The following three summit sessions are welcoming abstract submissions:

SESSION 1.5: Rapid Changes in the Arctic and their Interactions with the Global Climate Systems: Observations, Driving Forces, and Social Consequences

Rapid changes have occurred across the Arctic climate system, driving it to a new state. Outstanding examples include amplified warming at a rate faster than anywhere over the globe, largely increased ocean temperatures at the surface and in the deeper layers, drastic sea ice decrease in both extent and thickness throughout the year, accelerating Greenland Ice Sheet melt, intensifying hydrological cycle, thawing of permafrost, increase in methane release, and more frequent occurrence of extreme events. All of these changes have been projected to continue in the future. Along with these changes, interactions across the climate components within the Arctic and between the Arctic and lower latitudes have strengthened. Positive feedbacks between the Arctic climate components can be triggered or enhanced to accelerate the Arctic changes. The changed Arctic can alter global atmospheric and oceanic circulations to increase heat energy transport into the Arctic, adding an additional driving force. On the other hand, the altered atmospheric and oceanic circulations influence the climate and weather outside the Arctic, causing extreme events. All of these changes and events have significantly impact daily life, infrastructure, and broader socio-economic activities.

This session will present new research progresses on the topic and serve as a venue to promote an engagement of the Arctic and global communities into the ICARP IV research priority planning. The presentations and discussions will also provide input to the Research Priority Team 1 activities for the identification and recommendation of research priorities, which make foundational contributions to all other research priority teams.

For questions about this session, contact:

SESSION 5.5: Strategies for Centering Indigenous Voices in Arctic Community-led Research and Co-production of Knowledge: Lessons for early career researchers

This session welcomes abstracts for talks from researchers, Indigenous scholars, Arctic community members in all stages of their careers involved in community-led research to share their work, including lessons, stories, and strategies for successful capacity sharing.

SESSION 5.7: Social Science in the Changing Arctic Research Landscape

This session invites abstracts that (re)consider the role of social science in the changing Arctic research landscape, ranging from new frameworks and theoretical approaches, to methods, to case studies.

SESSION 8.3: Rethinking/Thinking through Indigenous Data Sovereignty in the Arctic

This session invites abstract submissions from Arctic Indigenous communities, researchers, collaborating scientists, and others who are working to implement or address Indigenous data sovereignty in their initiatives.

UArctic is a partner in ICARP IV, and the meeting is hosted in part by UArctic member institutions University of Colorado, Alaska Pacific University, and University of Alaska Fairbanks.

For more information on these and other sessions, click here.