Relate North is an English-language, peer-reviewed book series published by the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA). The series aims to chronicle, document, and critically analyze art, design, craft, and education in the North, including Arctic and near-Arctic regions.
Editors: Maria Huhmarniemi (University of Lapland), Kathryn Burnett (University of the West of Scotland) & Aubyn O’Grady (Yukon University)
Within this broad theme, we understand that Land is not simply a place one “goes out to.” Instead, we invite chapters that recognize Land as a vibrant and generous teacher—a pedagogy in and of itself. We acknowledge that Land is deeply connected to the governance, worldviews, wellbeing, and creative practices of Indigenous peoples globally. Moreover, as a political movement, Land represents a critical site for transformative change, resistance, and healing.
How does Land teach us?
To explore this question, we seek examples of visual arts and design projects, traditional and contemporary craft, arts-based research, and educational initiatives from across the circumpolar North that engage with the Land as a teacher. This collection seeks to share understandings and approaches to both Indigenous land-based education and land-based education more generally, including the interface of interdisciplinary and collaborative pedagogy.
We welcome chapter proposals that critically engage with the theme “Lessons of the Land” and, in particular, address the following areas:
• Land-based, place-based, and site-specific design, art, research, education, and interdisciplinary projects in sub-Arctic, Arctic, and Northern regions.
• Creative practices and projects that engage with the land rights of Indigenous peoples in the global North.
• Initiatives that facilitate reconnection to Land in the global North.
• Creative responses to climate-related challenges facing Northern communities.
• Arts education programs or creative practices that foster reciprocal relationships with, and attunement to, non-human entities through engagement with the Land.
• Enhancement of kinship, land protection and responsibilities; and the decolonization of nature through art and design education.
About the Relate North series
This book will be number twelve in the Relate North series connected to the Arctic Sustainable Arts & Design (ASAD) Thematic Network of the University of Arctic and the fourth to be published by InSEA Publications. The Relate North series explores and shares contemporary practices in arts-based research and academic knowledge exchange in arts, design, and visual culture education. Each volume consists of peer-reviewed chapters. The series interests academic researchers, artists, designers, art educators, and practice-based researchers. This call is for contributions to the latest book, scheduled for publication in November 2025.
To download previous volumes of Relate North, go to:
Publications are also available at:
Submission and review process, timeline
In the first instance, the editors invite the submission of a synopsis (abstract) of the proposed contribution (no more than 500 words). The deadline for submission of a synopsis is Monday, 8 January 2025.
Synopsis should be emailed to all editors Maria Huhmarniemi, Kathryn Burnett, and Aubyn O’Grady:;;
• Editors select synopses.
• The InSEA Publications Board will review the synopses and notify editors by Monday, 10 February 2025.
• Editors invite authors to write chapters for the next stage (editorial review).
• All contributors should note that the final deadline for full manuscripts is Monday 14 April 2025.
• Review Policy: Double-blind review (Jufo level 1).
• After the review period (16 April – 10 June 2024) authors will be informed of the final decision.
• Autumn 2024, editing and final corrections.
• The book will be published in November 2025.
Guidelines for authors
• Authors should bear in mind the overall themes of the series, Sustainable Arts and Design in the Arctic and the North when writing.
• Complete chapters should be 5000 (+/- 10%) words (excluding references).
• Relate North uses the APA7 author-date bibliographical referencing system. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper and must adhere to APA7 conventions.
• Relate North uses British English.
• A short (maximum 80 words) author biographical note is also required. The article should not contain this but can be sent in the same file. It should include a contact email address and ORCID number (if applicable).
• Do not include an abstract or keywords.
• Do not use footnotes or endnotes.
• Send text documents in Microsoft Word (.docx) format with low-resolution images embedded to show preferred positions (if the chapter or visual essay is accepted, high-resolution images will be required). Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright clearance for images.