Throughout the month of March, Polar Knowledge Canada is hosting a 6-part Knowledge Sharing Webinar series featuring researchers and Indigenous knowledge holders.

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) invites registration for the next Arctic Research Seminar featuring Robert Holzworth (University of Washington). Dr. Holzworth's presentation, titled Lightning in the Arctic, will be held via Zoom on Thursday, 10 March 2022 at 9:00 a.m. AKST (1:00 p.m. EST).

From 12-14 May 2022, the 14th conference on Icelandic society will be held in Ísafjörður, under the heading: Community and nature – steel in steel or hand in hand?

The Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 (SIPN2) announces the release of the 2021 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Post-Season Report—a community network activity led by the SIPN2 Project Team, with contributions from key partners, to advance our understanding of the state and evolution of Arctic sea-ice cover