University of Lapland

Student Association at ULapland  PHOTO: Juha Sarkkinen
Student Association at ULapland
Photo: Juha Sarkkinen
Study in Lapland

Whether you are interested in service design, northern wellbeing, or juridical standpoints of sustainable development, you can count on our know-how. We combine Arctic expertise with fields such as design, law and social sciences, and our unique one-year Arctic Studies Programme offers an interdisciplinary perspective in current Arctic issues. We also educate the best teachers in the world. Add to this our excellent student support services and the cosy atmosphere of our modern campus, and you will discover why the University of Lapland is the perfect choice for studying in the North.

Located in the city of Rovaniemi on the Arctic Circle, the University of Lapland is also the northernmost university of Finland and the European Union. As a research-based higher education institution, our teaching and research facilities offer students and scholars the opportunity to pursue academic excellence at all levels, all the way to doctoral studies. We have internationally recognized faculties in the fields of law, education, social sciences, and art and design, all offering master- and doctoral-level studies to international applicants as well as exchange studies from undergraduate to doctoral level up to a full academic year.

A sense of community is very important to people in the far North, and it is essential to us that the university’s research, educational, and artistic activities actively support the local community, businesses, and society here in northern Finland. But our efforts do not end there – the work we do here is relevantly geared to the North and the globalized world. For example, our state-of-the-art research facility, the Arctic Centre, conducts internationally recognized, cutting-edge research on the interactions between people and the environment in the Arctic. Further, the Multidimensional Tourism Institute MTI (part of the Lapland University Consortium) combines all levels and fields of tourism education with innovative research and development activities.

Dare to Dream – Find Yourself in Lapland!

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Exchange Program Fact Sheet

Facts and figures

Year Established 1979
Total Number of Staff 647
Number of Academic Staff 295
Number of Students 4685
Focus Areas

People, communities and environment of the Arctic and the North and their interaction

International tourism research

Service design

Northern well-being and the changing nature of work

Sustainable development, law, and justice

Fields of Study Offered Teacher training and education science (broad programmes)
Arts (broad programmes)
Social and behavioural science (broad programmes)
Business and administration (broad programmes)
Law (broad programmes)
Social services (broad programmes)
Personal services (broad programmes)

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