Thematic Network on Collaborative Resource Management

TN Collaborative Resource Management
Thematic Network on Collaborative Resource Management

The network seeks to develop capacity in collaborative natural resource management and community monitoring in the Arctic.


In collaborative management, fishermen, hunters and local community members play a central role in the decision-process about the use of natural resources. The goal is a resilient society that is capable of adapting to the rapidly changing environment. The network will contribute to this goal by increasing the number of resource managers and scientists who can use bottom-up, participatory tools and connect local, Indigenous and science knowledge for management decisions.


  • Interdisciplinary capacity development in collaborative natural resource management and monitoring
  • Practice-based courses for people in public natural resource management positions with a focus on community-based approaches, and for Arctic-based Master’s students
  • Development of new tools and educational materials
  • Workshops and networking for encouraging dialogue on natural resource management between representatives of different world views

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Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Finn Danielsen, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Collaborative Resource Management