Thematic Network on Circular Economy

TN Circular Economy  PHOTO: Lapland UAS
Photo: Lapland UAS


A lot of development work has been carried out in the field of circular economy. One of the most significant action is to maintain the development of circular economy education and R&D activities between the universities.

The overall goal of the UArctic Thematic Network of Circular Economy is to enhance networking and exchanging of knowledge among the experts of various disciplines on national and international level. Challenges involved in circular economy usually require a multidisciplinary expertise; therefore, the network requires knowledge and expertise from several different fields. Co-operation between the scientific organisations will provide an opportunity to learn from the specific features of each arctic area. Furthermore, there has been already discussions about how the circular economy is impacting on people living in these scarcely populated areas and how the economical point of view of the circular economy is changing the possibilities to maintain population in these areas.


The goal of the UArctic Thematic Network of Circular Economy is to develop the sustainable utilisation of natural resources as well as in a responsible way to generate economic growth in northern areas and indigenous communities. In the near future, we will need to obtain new ways to maintain the balance in the economic growth without endangering the pristine natural resources or wellbeing of the populations.

Research and development can promote the path to a better future, but the alteration also requires new kinds of experts and the raise of awareness among the people around the World. The Circular Economy Network will increase the awareness of circular economy and sustainable development by arranging seminars and webinars, enhancing circular economy education at university level, as well as facilitating student and staff exchange programs.

  • Gather R&D and educational specialists with different backgrounds together to develop and share the knowledge of circular economy development in northern areas and indigenous communities.
  • Enhancement of international cooperation of circular economy in the arctic areas.
  • Benchmark and initiate collaboration with the other Thematic Networks and similar clusters with a shared interested towards the sustainable development and circular economy in northern areas and indigenous communities.
  • To arrange seminars, webinars, and workshops to establish networks and enhance the exchange of circular economy knowledge.
  • Build up international-level research projects together with network partners to support the development of circular economy in arctic areas and in their communities.
  • Develop education and teaching material of circular economy, especially in issues related to the arctic areas and indigenous communities.
  • Co-operation in circular economy education in different educational sectors.

Other Information

Video interview: Sanna Tyni, former Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Circular Economy