Thematic Network on Arctic Boreal Hub

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Thematic Network on Arctic Boreal Hub

To learn more about the Arctic Boreal Hub please visit the PEEX webpage or read their latest newsletter. To subscribe the PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter, please sign up here.


The Thematic Network consists of research, research infrastructure and education activities aimed at resolving sustainability questions in the circumpolar Arctic - boreal regions:

  • to understand the Earth system and the influence of environmental and societal changes in pristine and industrialized of the Arctic - boreal environments
  • to determine the processes relevant to climate change, demographic development and use of energy resources in the Arctic - boreal regions
  • to develop the new data sets and archives with continuous, comprehensive data flows in a joint manner
  • to implement the validated and harmonized data products in models of appropriate spatial and temporal scales and topical focus
  • to educate the next generation of multidisciplinary experts and scientists capable of finding tools for solving grand challenges
  • to increase public awareness of climate change impacts in the circumpolar arctic-boreal regions


  • Providing opportunities to take part of a scientific assessment; for example J. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics PEEX Special Issue.
  • Providing contacts to the Northern Eurasian in situ observations stations enabling joint measurement campaigns and contribution to the development of the measurement concepts in a frame of European environmental ESFRIs and GEOSS Cold Regions is situ component.
  • Organizing of special courses, winter/summer schools, workshops and conferences.
  • Providing partnerships for educating next generation of multidisciplinary PhDs.
  • Long-term collaboration between International Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) and Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) including workshops organization with focus on in-situ and remote sensing observations/ data to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and data needs.

Read the latest news stories here below:

For more news, please see the "Related News" section.

Other Information

Stay up to date with the Arctic Boreal Hub:

Education contact:

University of Helsinki:
Katja Lauri
Taina Ruuskanen
Pauli Paasonen

Communications and administration contact:

University of Helsinki:
Alla Borisova

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Hanna Lappalainen, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Boreal Hub