Call for abstracts

The organizers invite papers that address the key question of the Workshop: How do small States engage with international law and governance to address sustainability challenges in the Arctic? Papers could be related (but not restricted to) the following sub-themes: geopolitics, technology, and climate change - three major challenges for sustainability in the Arctic. Please refer to the flyer for more information.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be emailed to by 15 July 2024. Selected speakers will be notified by 31 July 2024. Speakers are required to submit a working paper before the Workshop by 15 November 2024. It is anticipated that at least one special issue from the Workshop will be published by a prominent journal.


The Workshop will be held at SMU’s state of the art Kwa Geok Choo Law Library as a hybrid event
(in person + zoom). It is free of charge, though selected speakers and participants will cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Keynote Panellists (confirmed, in person)

Conference Chair

Associate Professor LIU Nengye, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University